December 21, 2008
I married the man I love
I married the man I love

So, the last two years haven't necessarily been all-bliss, but I am so glad to be on this journey with my love. I am blessed by a man who loves me, accepts me, and has the heart of a father to this generation. The last two years have held all manner of challenges, nevertheless the foundation of our marriage has held us together and made us stronger. I love everything about our life. I love how different we are and that we challenge one another. I love the children he's given me and the fact that we get to partner together to raise them in godly ways. I love his heart to fund the work of the Kingdom and I am honored to be his help-mate in every endeavor in life. I love that he has taught me the meaning of love and that I'm called to do so beyond myself. I love what our life is now, despite every challenge, and what it will become. Two years ago, I began the greatest adventure of my life, and I know that we have only just begun.
I love you Caleb Manuel Arrazolo. You are beyond special to me.

I love you Caleb Manuel Arrazolo. You are beyond special to me.