It is a journey to mature love.
When Caleb and I came together to pray and look for a name that accurately protrays my heart and mission for this blog, he brilliantly mentioned the Shulamite from Song of Solomon (after we had tossed around a couple
So, why the Shulamite Mom?
I am a wife and a mom. But I am also a woman passionately in love with her Maker. I understand my ministry is to the Lord first in our secret place and second in the home He has given to our family. My desire is to combine both my passionate pursuit of Jesus along with the "mundane day-to-day" that comes along with being a homemaker, wife, and mommy.
Yes, I believe it can happen. And I am on the journey to mature love both towards Christ and towards my family. In fact, I'd be so courageous as to say-- it's what's on Jesus' heart for the wives and mothers of this generation; seeking to have a heart of Mary in our Martha seasons.