I remember being younger and having all these ideas of what Mommyhood and being a stay-at-home would look like. My children would be on a perfect routine, be well-behaved, never ever have a blow out or massive spit running down their chin. My home would be "child-friendly" but never messy. My husband would come home after a long day working and help out and I would have it all figured out.
Yeah, my reality is far different from my ideas.
It really is quite hysterical when you think of it. I have gladly (ok, so not so gladly in the beginning) given up my ideas of living in a Pottery Barn catalogue and in the last six months, I'd have to say the most important thing I've learned is that at the end of the day, if the dishes aren't done and the house is slightly messy, what truly matters is that my children learned about Jesus today. That Mommy took time today to pray with them, share with them stories about our wonderful Savior; Mommy worshipped extravagantly right alongside them. Mommy taught them how to run to Jesus, not just about that man.
I looked around my home today and was so utterly content with what the Lord has done in our lives. I strive for more and yet am so thankful for this season.
My house was a "wreck" by most eyes, there were toys everywhere, three kids rolling, crawling and running around (my third was that little boy, remember Sammy?), but the sweet sound of kids' praise and worship was blaring in the background and I couldn't be more honored to have ministered to their little hearts, each in their own special way. I would this with 12 if the Lord so chose it...
So, in conclusion... Although being a homemaker is super important and I value such a calling, time spent is what truly matters.
What good is a clean home if my kids didn't get Momma today?