So, I was looking thru my email today deleting all the old stuff and I came across a great email that made me smile. :) Because of my signing-up for a Mommy-friendly website, they have sent me a $32.00 giftcard to use for a nursing cover from! This proves to be very exciting considering it's another thing Caleb and I don't need to pay for and another way in which our God has been so faithful. Granted, it may not be on the top 20 things we need for baby, but seeing that Caleb and I are both always on-the-go and we frequent Church, having a nursing cover will make life sooo much easier. I've had friends who have had babies within the last year, and they use blankets for nursing covers. This proves to be such a hassle especially since you're trying to manuever baby, breast and blanket all without exposing yourself to the entire world. I'm super excited and will be picking my oober-awesome design tomorrow (when my computer cooperates a little more.) If you have nursing babes, totally recommend one of the nursing covers, and has a huge array of super cute ones. :)
Who ever said Mommies lose their style? Woop.
PS. I will be posting pictures up of the style I chose. But in the meantime, visit the site and give me your opinions. I'd love to hear which one you pick for me. :)
what mom friendly site gave you the $??? I want to know!!!