I must say, I don't think I've ever walked out of the grocery store so happy, ever! =) I went grocery shopping this past Friday. We've been dining out a lot, and I want to continue to save as much money as possible for the arrival of our little Princess. The plan is for me to stop working and I can't quite do that if our needs won't be met. I want to be a good steward of our money, and although the ocassional dine-out is no big, we were just a little outta control. LOL. Anyways, I went to Publix (I refuse to grocery shop at Wal-Mart) and wouldn't you know it their sales were absolutely phenomenal!! I was able to buy Cascadian Farms Organic Cereal for $1.99 which is unheard of, as well as BOGO's on other types of organic cereals for Caleb. We also were able to purchase organic frozen lunches for Caleb for work at $2.00 each. The organic lettuce was also BOGO, so I got two for the price of one. All Seventh Generation Cleaning Products were reduced by 25% so I stocked up pretty good and I was able to do most of my shopping in an eco-friendly way. Caleb and I really value organic food as something worth spending money on (it's more of an investment to us and our health) however, due to financial challenges haven't been able to fully go organic for a while. Thanks to Publix off Good Homes in Orlando, we were able to buy mostly organic foods and still stick within our budget. =) It's really interesting that it happened this week as well, since my friend Mary Jo (http://www.covenanthomemaking.com/) and I were discussing the challenges of buying organic on a budget, but the amazing deals she finds in the small town in Virginia she lives in. Wouldn't ya know it, I was totally blessed this week and was able to purchase what we were looking for at great prices! I was so excited I called Caleb and told him all about it. He definitely didn't share as much excitement, but was glad I was able to stick to budget and bring home healthy food! I'm actually headed out the door to stock up on a couple more items so that we don't need to get them for a while!
Mary Jo from http://www.covenanthomemaking.com/ is having a giveway on her page on Cascadian Farm Organic Foods. That's another way you could save on grocery shopping this month! =)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
the purge.
So, it's been a while since I posted, and I'm sorry! Truthfully, first trimester symptoms are coming back with a vengenance, and this up and down emotionally and hormonally business just isn't working for me! Nevertheless, my sweet little girl moves and dances in my belly, and I'm reminded, she's so worth it! I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable with my pregnancy, but I know that I have a way's to go, so I'm trying to pace myself and get ready for the marathon ahead of me. I've already gotten in trouble with several people from the Church telling me I am doing too much and that I need to slow down. The statements were re-iterated when I started to cramp (mildly and for a week) and I really felt like I need to slow down! I am trying to keep up with the house though. I'm so over the yucky feeling of laundry everywhere and a messy bathroom. I'll be starting to work part-time very soon, so, that'll hopefully allow me more time to spend on the house and on getting myself organized. My aunt, who is a fabulous interior decorator, suggested I purge the house before the baby gets here. Get rid of everything that I've realistically NOT used or looked at in longer than six months, and make sure that everything has a home and is practical. I think I'm gonna start on it this weekend, and I'm starting in MY CLOSET! Purging some clothes, some purses and giving them away. We have been overwhelmingly blessed the last few months, so giving things away is gonna be good. =) Not to mention, giving is such a heart tenderizer (if that's a word? lol). Bottom line is, even after discussing it with the LORD, something's gotta change, and He's starting with my heart and my will, so I'm gonna mirror the inner-workings of my heart with an outer purging. I'm not getting all weird here on you guys, just longing for simplicity again.
I continue to covet your prayers, especially in wisdom, discernment and courage to move forward with the things the LORD asks of me, especially regarding my family's life. He is so faithful and so good, I don't doubt He'll guide me in the steps which we should go. Simple post, but wanted to update. Talk to you soon!
I continue to covet your prayers, especially in wisdom, discernment and courage to move forward with the things the LORD asks of me, especially regarding my family's life. He is so faithful and so good, I don't doubt He'll guide me in the steps which we should go. Simple post, but wanted to update. Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Reflections during pregnancy
Phew. Twenty weeks preggers, and can I just say nothing matures you quicker than carrying life within your womb. The last twenty weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions but a great maturing that has taken place in my heart and mind. I figured it'd be good to blog about it, since this blog is, after all, about my life as a wife and a mama.
I'm begginning to see that the most important things in life, outside of Jesus, are relationships. Everything material is beyond temporal, and relationships, if they are the right kind, are eternal. My heart has been turned towards my family in such a dramatic and intense way that I know God is setting me up to walk down a path that will lead me straight to Him. Ironically, when I was younger, I scorned stay-at-home moms who gave up their lives to be with their children, and who gave up earthly ministries to raise children. To me, they seemed un-spiritual, and weak. Well, if that's the case then I'm unspiritual and weak right alongside them, because my heart has been set on fire to be the very best wife and mom that I can be. Not that I wasn't before, but again, the depth and the height with which the LORD has taken it is undescribable. More than anything, I feel the LORD calling me to be a stay-at-home mom to raise Aaliya and co-labor in raising Daniella. Even my heart and my love for Daniella has matured and reached levels I didn't know possible. My eyes have been shifted towards eternity and I suddenly, don't care if I have an earthly ministry, if I get to preach to hundreds or "be somebody" in the body of Christ. More than anything my heart has been turned towards simplicity, servanthood and Heaven; eternity. Ironically, He did this by giving me a child (two, actually). It is absolutely outstanding what He has done in such a short time.
Even the meaning of sacrifice has changed in my eyes. Ask me to give up my cell phone and my time, and consider it a done deal... Ask me to give up my family, and now we're running into some resistance. Think about Abraham, giving up his only son. Put yourself in his shoes and then talk to me about the meaning of sacrifice. Well, that's a different lesson for another day... But seriously ponder on the meaning of sacrifice. A few sleepless nights, less luxury and more thriftyness. We consider this sacrifice? Give up your child for the sake of the Gospel, and then we'll talk sacrifice. LORD, help me. I'm done. I'm soo not gonna go into that one today. I will, however leave you with one thought. Jesus said, "Let the dead bury the dead." Think about what that really means.
I'm begginning to see that the most important things in life, outside of Jesus, are relationships. Everything material is beyond temporal, and relationships, if they are the right kind, are eternal. My heart has been turned towards my family in such a dramatic and intense way that I know God is setting me up to walk down a path that will lead me straight to Him. Ironically, when I was younger, I scorned stay-at-home moms who gave up their lives to be with their children, and who gave up earthly ministries to raise children. To me, they seemed un-spiritual, and weak. Well, if that's the case then I'm unspiritual and weak right alongside them, because my heart has been set on fire to be the very best wife and mom that I can be. Not that I wasn't before, but again, the depth and the height with which the LORD has taken it is undescribable. More than anything, I feel the LORD calling me to be a stay-at-home mom to raise Aaliya and co-labor in raising Daniella. Even my heart and my love for Daniella has matured and reached levels I didn't know possible. My eyes have been shifted towards eternity and I suddenly, don't care if I have an earthly ministry, if I get to preach to hundreds or "be somebody" in the body of Christ. More than anything my heart has been turned towards simplicity, servanthood and Heaven; eternity. Ironically, He did this by giving me a child (two, actually). It is absolutely outstanding what He has done in such a short time.
Even the meaning of sacrifice has changed in my eyes. Ask me to give up my cell phone and my time, and consider it a done deal... Ask me to give up my family, and now we're running into some resistance. Think about Abraham, giving up his only son. Put yourself in his shoes and then talk to me about the meaning of sacrifice. Well, that's a different lesson for another day... But seriously ponder on the meaning of sacrifice. A few sleepless nights, less luxury and more thriftyness. We consider this sacrifice? Give up your child for the sake of the Gospel, and then we'll talk sacrifice. LORD, help me. I'm done. I'm soo not gonna go into that one today. I will, however leave you with one thought. Jesus said, "Let the dead bury the dead." Think about what that really means.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Reading Club Suggestion
Recommended Reading:
Supernatural Childbirth
by; Jackie Mize
If you're a mom, pregnant, wanting to get pregnant or knows someone who is pregnant, this book is THE most amazing tool they'll ever use. It'll be my new Baby Shower present everytime! The book ultimately describes the promises God has given unto us mothers and fathers regarding how He is truly our deliverer!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Top Ten on Pregnancy!
Top Ten Best Things about Being Pregnant! (in no particular order)
1. Can you say, vessel of life?!
2. Hearing the heartbeat.
3. Seeing your little monkey via sonogram.
4. Getting out of most major tedious projects just because you have a baby bump.
5. Buying pink onesies and silver tutus! :D
6. Getting to shop & decorate for your little one's room.
7. Having the blessing of God upon your marriage.
8. Getting presents everytime people see you!
9. Having people donate their food, just bcos' you're preggers.
10. Clean house! (Hey, this nesting thing is fantastic and frustrating all at the same time!)
Top Ten NOT so fun things about being pregnant! (also in no particular order)
1. These stupid things called hormones. Why Jesus, why? NO Purpose to them!
2. Undershirts riding up your belly making themselves more bras than undershirts.
3. Being too big for your regular jeans, but not big enough for maternity stuff.
4. Everyone thinking you can't do anything because you have some foreign disease called Pregnancy.
5. Everyone's strange need to tell you their birth horror story.
6. Everyone's innate need to touch, rub, talk to and put their face up against your belly. Yes, even strangers.
7. Random nausea. Not enough to make you throw up, and yet suddenly, you're sick to your stomach.
8. Crying at the drop of a hat.
9. Cravings. Although Double-Stuffed Oreo's are great, I'd prefer NOT to have them everyday Aaliya, thank you very much.
10. The comments on how big you are. I mean, must you tell me everytime you see me how big I've gotten in two days? Yeah, no.
1. Can you say, vessel of life?!
2. Hearing the heartbeat.
3. Seeing your little monkey via sonogram.
4. Getting out of most major tedious projects just because you have a baby bump.
5. Buying pink onesies and silver tutus! :D
6. Getting to shop & decorate for your little one's room.
7. Having the blessing of God upon your marriage.
8. Getting presents everytime people see you!
9. Having people donate their food, just bcos' you're preggers.
10. Clean house! (Hey, this nesting thing is fantastic and frustrating all at the same time!)
Top Ten NOT so fun things about being pregnant! (also in no particular order)
1. These stupid things called hormones. Why Jesus, why? NO Purpose to them!
2. Undershirts riding up your belly making themselves more bras than undershirts.
3. Being too big for your regular jeans, but not big enough for maternity stuff.
4. Everyone thinking you can't do anything because you have some foreign disease called Pregnancy.
5. Everyone's strange need to tell you their birth horror story.
6. Everyone's innate need to touch, rub, talk to and put their face up against your belly. Yes, even strangers.
7. Random nausea. Not enough to make you throw up, and yet suddenly, you're sick to your stomach.
8. Crying at the drop of a hat.
9. Cravings. Although Double-Stuffed Oreo's are great, I'd prefer NOT to have them everyday Aaliya, thank you very much.
10. The comments on how big you are. I mean, must you tell me everytime you see me how big I've gotten in two days? Yeah, no.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I need your help!
Okay, so now that we found out that the baby in my tummy is a lovely little girl I'm quite the busy mama hen trying to figure everything out, since I have to decorate for two little girls and not just one. No, I'm not having twins, but Daniella Grace, my four-year-old is sharing a room with little Aaliya Liberty my coming princess, so I want to be able to purchase the things I need to decorate Daniella's bed and the entire room with time. That being said, I'm undecided and I need your help to pick. I'm posting below four different beddings (all with similar themes) and I'd like to know your opinion. Leave a comment below with your favorite room and maybe this'll make my decision making easier. (Anyone figured out I'm very indecisive, yet?) Anyways, check them out, and get to voting!!
This one my amazing sister-in-law Cheri picked out. It's BananaFish from Babies R' Us.
No Big Girl set for this one, so creativity will have to flow for Daniella's side.
No Big Girl set for this one, so creativity will have to flow for Daniella's side.
The Amazing Brooke from Pottery Barn Kids!

Big Girl Set

The Kelsey, also from Pottery Barn Kids.

Big Girl Set.

The Beautiful Penelope, from Pottery Barn Kids.
Slight problem, no big-girl set. Boo! :l
Slight problem, no big-girl set. Boo! :l
So, which one's your favorite?
Kids' Room Progress!
Soo, my two little girls' room was (and has been!) quite the mess, for quite a long time now. Tonight, I got one of, what I like to call, my mommy-nesting energy bursts and decided to tackle that room (and closet!) and although not completely done, I've made QUITE the progress, and I'm so pleased! :) All I need to do is throw away the three bags of trash, vacuum and finish organizing some knick-knacks, and voila! Instant kids' room. Now, if I can only figure out how to fit the furniture in a cute, functional way!

I arranged the closet so that all of Daniella's toys fit into the closet neatly in the bookshelf. They're organized nice and neat, but in a kid-friendly way so that she can clean-up all by herself the same way "Cole" did. :) Before, this closet was literally FILLED top-to-bottom in toys.

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