So, it's been a while since I posted, and I'm sorry! Truthfully, first trimester symptoms are coming back with a vengenance, and this up and down emotionally and hormonally business just isn't working for me! Nevertheless, my sweet little girl moves and dances in my belly, and I'm reminded, she's so worth it! I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable with my pregnancy, but I know that I have a way's to go, so I'm trying to pace myself and get ready for the marathon ahead of me. I've already gotten in trouble with several people from the Church telling me I am doing too much and that I need to slow down. The statements were re-iterated when I started to cramp (mildly and for a week) and I really felt like I need to slow down! I am trying to keep up with the house though. I'm so over the yucky feeling of laundry everywhere and a messy bathroom. I'll be starting to work part-time very soon, so, that'll hopefully allow me more time to spend on the house and on getting myself organized. My aunt, who is a fabulous interior decorator, suggested I purge the house before the baby gets here. Get rid of everything that I've realistically NOT used or looked at in longer than six months, and make sure that everything has a home and is practical. I think I'm gonna start on it this weekend, and I'm starting in MY CLOSET! Purging some clothes, some purses and giving them away. We have been overwhelmingly blessed the last few months, so giving things away is gonna be good. =) Not to mention, giving is such a heart tenderizer (if that's a word? lol). Bottom line is, even after discussing it with the LORD, something's gotta change, and He's starting with my heart and my will, so I'm gonna mirror the inner-workings of my heart with an outer purging. I'm not getting all weird here on you guys, just longing for simplicity again.
I continue to covet your prayers, especially in wisdom, discernment and courage to move forward with the things the LORD asks of me, especially regarding my family's life. He is so faithful and so good, I don't doubt He'll guide me in the steps which we should go. Simple post, but wanted to update. Talk to you soon!
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