Friday, January 21, 2011

The Move && Settling In

It's been a while... again. Sigh. One of these days, I will master this blogging thing. I shall do it consistently and I shall do it well... One day.

Good news is, I am now blogging from a new desktop with internet from home! No more updating and minor blogging from an IPhone. This should help me master the this blogging business. :)

So, what's been up with the Arrazolo family? Last I wrote, I told you guys I was super excited about moving (yes, even though it was to the third floor, yikes!) and about making the apartment our home. Well, the week before our move, Caleb, myself and poor baby Aaliya all got super sick with a nasty case of the flu. I got it first, showing serious signs of fever, body aches and complete exhaustion, complete with a gross cough. Then, Caleb got it with similar symptoms, his being kissed with a nasty runny nose (which is Caleb's archenemy). Then, my sweet baby girl got it. This one broke my heart because she was coughing, had a ridiculously high fever (102.5 at its highest) and other icky symptoms that a four month old baby should not have. :l Needless to say, I ran to the doctor with her, and they gave me some natural tea and vitamin D that really helped, and by move-in day (January 2nd) she was much better. I hope I never ever have to go through that again.

So while the entire family was sick, there was zero packing going on and naturally Mommy began to panic and get a little testy. :l By Friday && Saturday (T-minus two days) I was in a seriously bad mood trying to get things in order. And, little did I know, there was still a LOT to pack. To those of you that have moved before, is it just me, or does the little stuff takes 100x longer to pack than the big obvious things? Anyway, I am super grateful to have an amazing husband who carries a strong leadership gifting and can look at a situation and somehow figure out exactly how to solve it. So, we took Aaliya to Grandma && Granpa's house for the day (and ended up spending the night) so that we can get things accomplished. By the way, random side note: Daniella wasn't with us that weekend because we were all still slightly sick and under quarantine. We didn't want to infect her. I am glad to report that we were able to pack 90% of what we needed to by Sunday morning, and were able to load up and get things rolling Sunday morning without a glitch.

I am slightly OCD and yet not really. So when we've moved in the past, the house is unpacked within two days. This time around, it was slightly different. Having a four and a half month old baby definitely causes things to run a little slower when it comes to cleaning && unpacking. So, this time it took me about a week and a half to finish unpacking and to hang up every picture and every frame. Minus of course, the one box that hasn't been put away, ahem husband, and the two bags of laundry I have to fold and put away. However, outside that, my house is now a home and I absolutely love it! I truly find it a blessing from the Lord that we have found a home more suitable to our needs and our desire to ministry in hospitality. I am truly so excited to serve others in my home and to fellowship and glorify Christ over dinner, having guests spend the night and breaking open the Word through Bible Study.

How do you use your home to glorify Christ?

1 comment:

  1. What, you only have 1 box to unpack? Oh, yah. You only have 2 kids. We moved in Oct. and still have boxes sitting around our room. Again, mostly hubby stuff. Are they really too busy??? I'm happy for you in your new home!
