Hannah's prayer life wasn't self centered. She didn't ask for a son for her sake or for the sake of her husband even (though that would not have been a wrong motivation). She didn't wanna stick it to Peninnah and go "aha!"
She requested a son so that he may be given back to the Lord.
It wasn't a spiritual thing either... She wasn't just giving Samuel to the Lord "spiritually" while he remained with her. No, she gave him up to the Lord completely. She desired to bear a son for God's temple. It wasn't about her gain, but rather the gain in and for Heaven.
Hannah was comforted by the Lord in prayer, she literally unloaded her burden before the Lord and left knowing He was faithful. (more on this later, I'm just kinda laying a foundation on her love for Heaven)
Hannah loved the things of Heaven more than she loved herself and the temporal.
I wanna be like Hannah.
"Hannah's love for her husband is the first key to understanding her profound influence as a mother." (reference)
Too often, we forget that our relationships with our husband and the love we have for them is a deep and lasting lesson we teach our children on a day to day basis.
When Hannah was granted Samuel, she devoted herself entirely to his care during the first few years of his life.
She gave up Church services and stayed home with him with a willing heart. (1Sam1:22-23). Her ministry was completely and entirely revolving around her home.
Hannah didn't have a blog where she can minister outside her home and reach other homes. She didn't have Titus 2 Moms groups to support her nor where she could minister. She didn't have the opportunity to pour into youth as a leader. She even forsook the house of prayer for three years to devote herself to her home and her child.
And the outstanding part. She did so willingly. She asked Elkanah to stay home. She had no desire to minister outside her home.
She was perfectly content and satisfied with the ministry of the home; both to her child and husband and to the Lord.