The more that I spend in prayer seeking the Lord on behalf of my family, the more I am convinced of one thing.
Marriage is at the very core of the heart of God. It is His very heartbeat.
It truly grieves my heart to see how neglected the covenant and institution of marriage is and has been in the Church.
We tend to place an unnecessary focus on public ministry and individual ministry rather than on the beautiful ministry of the family and home. Meeting requirements and "serving" becomes the focus of our messages when all along, God created marriage to be the greatest sermon ever preached.
So, I am on a journey. I am going to spend the next few weeks digging deep in the Word of God, praying and asking for revelation and His heart for marriage.
I'm gonna have some company along the way. Wanna join?
-- Bill Humphrey, IHOP-Atlanta's director did an 8 part series on marriage. Caleb and I listened to the first teaching and I can honestly say, it rocked our world! We will follow these series, "Glory of Marriage" and spend some time daily in praying in these truths. =)
-- I'll also be reading a few books on marriage. I am going to finish "The Excellent Wife" by Martha Peace and go through "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas.
-- I am *hoping* to blog daily encouragements to the wives out there, and sharing what He is showing me.
In the meantime, I would love to hear your stories on love, marriage and holiness.
It truly grieves my heart to see how neglected the covenant and institution of marriage is and has been in the Church.
We tend to place an unnecessary focus on public ministry and individual ministry rather than on the beautiful ministry of the family and home. Meeting requirements and "serving" becomes the focus of our messages when all along, God created marriage to be the greatest sermon ever preached.
So, I am on a journey. I am going to spend the next few weeks digging deep in the Word of God, praying and asking for revelation and His heart for marriage.
I'm gonna have some company along the way. Wanna join?
-- Bill Humphrey, IHOP-Atlanta's director did an 8 part series on marriage. Caleb and I listened to the first teaching and I can honestly say, it rocked our world! We will follow these series, "Glory of Marriage" and spend some time daily in praying in these truths. =)
-- I'll also be reading a few books on marriage. I am going to finish "The Excellent Wife" by Martha Peace and go through "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas.
-- I am *hoping* to blog daily encouragements to the wives out there, and sharing what He is showing me.
In the meantime, I would love to hear your stories on love, marriage and holiness.

where did you get the series from...I want to do it with Moe too!! sounds amazing!
ReplyDeleteDo you have a link to the series? Please post! We can blog together about it (a blog party!) Over time, as Nick and I grew up together and grew in the Lord, I realized that God has always been the 3rd party in this marriage. We made a point of having Him deeply involved in our wedding and in our lives since. Because He is the all-important 3rd strand in this rope that ties us together, He has protected me when I needed it and given me strength and grace when I needed to show it. He's shown me amazing things about my husband and children that I wouldn't have noticed otherwise. And God has been my advocate when no one else was. It's so important to keep God first in your marriage! I'm so happy to read of your sacred pursuit of marriage and family with excellence and with God. :)
ReplyDeleteHey gals! I just re-posted with everything linked. Sorry about that, I wrote this post from my phone and linking everything was slightly *annoying!*
ReplyDeleteENJOY! =)
Thanks!! :)