I love the meaning of the word redemption. Webster says it's "deliverance, rescue, salvation. Atonement for guilt, repurchase, recovery by payment as of something pledged."
Jesus is my redemption. And by His sacrifice, He has repurchased me from the hands of hell. What a glorious, beautiful sacrifice He made.
And it all started in a manger. This season is and should be one of the greatest seasons of the year for those of us who know Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and the only way to true redemption.
And here I am, feeling closer to The Grinch and whispering to myself "Bahumbug." I try to blame the commercialism behind Christmas that is so embedded in our culture, but if I can be 100% honest with myself (and you, clearly), it all comes down to one thing.
My heart has fallen prey to the commercialism and I am once again unsatisfied. I love to give; and I love to give extravagantly. This year, it's just not something we can do. God has blessed us abundantly with enough Manna for today and very little to spare. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I am learning Christ has done this by design this year. Because He's after my heart. He's not wanting to instill me the art and beauty of giving, because He has done that already (though never will I reach its fullness on this side of eternity). What He's redeeming for me this Christmas season is truly the reason for the season.
He's reminding me that before my children may enjoy the presents and the gifts, they must saturate in the Truth of His ultimate gift.
He's reminding me that giving isn't about things, it's about giving of oneself totally and without reservation, just as He did.
So, this year, I'm going to give. But more so of myself and of everything He's placed inside of me through His Holy Spirit. Things under the tree may be lacking, but at the end of the day, His Blessings will flow from within me out to those I truly care for and love.
I will remind myself daily of who He is...
And remember that my Hope began in a Manger.

Dayspring provided me with the above pictured free products. All opinions on this post, are my own.