Tuesday, December 11, 2012

when your heart set is wrong but you're doing ministry

It never ceases to amaze me how unbelievably ungodly my heart really is. Without full moment-by-moment submission and surrender to Jesus and the shedding of His Blood I am quite a nasty individual.

Which nasty truth did I encounter about myself today?  I covet. So very very badly.  And even in this beautiful season of transition for our family, my heart posture has not been correct, and I stand humbled before God.

Our family is linking arms with Apartment Life ministries as a Cares Team and truthfully, our hearts are filled with expectation and anticipation.  We totally see this as a wonderful God-setup.  We will be living and breathing ministry to our neighbors by service and love.  We will be encountering the second commandment daily and learning its truth by walking it out.  This is so exciting friends!  As a homemaker, I will be able to practice the gift of hospitality on a pretty consistent basis.  We will be living on site at an apartment complex and ministering within the community.

And here comes the problem.  Since we've been offered the opportunity with this ministry, my concern has been about where we will live.  I have been concerned about what my kitchen will look like, how big the place will be, and though I have prayed for wisdom and guidance for both our superiors (those who will offer us the complexes to minister in) and us, I have also consistently asked God to please meet my expectations of our new home.

How foolish and presumptuous of me.  I have totally lost sight of what really matters. Our family has been offered an opportunity to link arms with Jesus and minister unto people He loves and has died for.  This new season and ministry our family is stepping into has absolutely nothing to do with us and everything to do with God's heart for His people and the people who will come to Him through this endeavor.  How foolish and selfish of me to count things to be of higher regard than His Beloved people.

This coveting thing is so easy to fall into-- especially in this great nation of ours that promotes the American Dream. It is so easy to desire the things rather than the giver.  I don't believe things in and of themselves are bad. Some are called to great wealth-- like Abraham, King David, Joseph, Cyrus and Job while others are called to live simply like Hosea, Jeremiah, Moses, Joseph & Mary.  The point isn't trying to figure out which one we are, but rather to seek the Father and partner with Him.

 I love the way the Apostle Paul puts it,

"I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." 
Philippians 4:12-13 



  1. Great post! I have to admit this is such a truthful post. Even as I read it I wanted to think it wasn't something I struggled with. However that is not in the slightest way true. I have and will probably always struggle with coveting. It really can be so easy to lose sight of what is important and what is good. Satan sure can squeeze through tiny cracks. Thank you for sharing and convicting me today!!

  2. Really good, strong, honesty. You are brave! Courageous in your posts and your new ministry. I know you are and will continue to be a great ambassador for Christ.
