I married the man I love

I love you Caleb Manuel Arrazolo. You are beyond special to me.
“When my heart was embittered and I was pierced within, then I was senseless and ignorant; I was like a beast before You. Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand.” -Psalms 73:21-23
I’m learning that part of dwelling successfully in Mommyhood and especially in Wifeyville is the art of surrender. I feel as though I’m in this season of my life right now, where pruning and sifting is taking place, but it is not your regular sifting and pruning. It is an intensely personal pruning that is touching every part of myself, including my marriage and my role as a mommy. It has been the toughest time of my life and yet in this season I am learning that God is calling me to surrender completely and utterly unto Him. Offense and hurt comes from a place that isn’t dead (and therefore “alive”) within us yet. If then, being a wife is about my husband, then wouldn’t it make sense that every part of me “dies” and I am then called to give up my illusion of what I call “my rights”? God is calling us to surrender every reality and every illusion. It is only there we find truth, liberty and intimacy with our first Husband. It is all about surrender; giving up what we consider a right for the reality that He is wise and in control.
Mommy’s Learned Lessons,
“She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” -Proverbs 31:12
I know. There are plenty of single mothers out there who are fantastic mothers in “Mommyhood” without being part of “Wifeyville.” Yes, I know. And I totally agree. But this is about my journey, and my journey starts in “Wifeyville.” The longer I’m married, the more and more I realize that marriage is nothing about me and everything about my partner. Marriage is about giving of yourself without reservations regardless of the outcome. It is about loving the way Jesus loves. It is about a love that covers a multitude of sins. I have to admit, as women it is very common for us to become critical and bitter with husbands because of unmet expectations. It is easy to drift off and fantasize and wish our husband was “as spiritual as Suzy’s.” Well, I have recently learned that is operating and tolerating a spirit of Jezebel. Not to mention, how selfish of us. God has given unto us a “good thing,” a husband and father unto our children and the moment he shows a sign of humanity and weakness, we emotionally bail and check out. It should be our honor to fight for our husband’s spiritual welfare. Our wedding vows included “for better or worse.” It’s “the worse” part we pretend doesn’t exist when everything hits the fan, but it is this season of night, or this time of winter that produces and makes way for the warmth of dawn and the beauty and fragrance of spring. So, to whomever is reading, as I encourage myself through writing this blog, my prayer is that you’ll be encouraged as well. As the spiritual barometers of our home, my prayer is that we will honor our husbands by praying for their spiritual well being and that, in everything we are thankful for them. The dawn of spring will come, and oh what a beautiful day that will be!
Mommy’s Learned Lessons,
These are the letters we're using to monogram the girls' name on a canvas with scrapbooking paper coordinating the bedding. I'm *super* excited about this one.
I also made baby announcements ahead of time, so that when little Miss Aaliya gets here, they're already taken care of. I made two different kinds, and this is one of them. I'll be placing a wallet-sized photo of her on the announcement and then will attach the information. I think they're super cute, but I'm biased... :)
Cheri's also working on a piece of art that says "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty..." We love that Scripture and speak it over our little Liberty everyday. Just a start, but hey... I'm stoked!
The Amazing Brooke from Pottery Barn Kids!
Big Girl Set
The Kelsey, also from Pottery Barn Kids.
Big Girl Set.
If you're looking for more info on Coconut Oil, visit http://www.covenanthomemaking.com/ and Mrs. Murch (whom I like to call Mary Jo, hehe) will have some fantastic resources there.
Not too bad, considering tomorrow is a day off and I plan on doing the remainder of my checklist and laundry. As well as baking cookies for my ladies luncheon. :D I want to continue with my reading plan tonight and tomorrow, so that's gonna be good. :) Hope you're enjoying my adventure. Still don't have it down (not even close!), but I'm working on it one baby-step at a time.
PS. Below are after pics. Before pics were too embarrasing to post on the web. Hehe.
Anyway, here is the to-do list for tomorrow, and I will hopefully update then to let you know of the progress I'm making at the Arrazolo household.