So sit down with me, grab a cup of coffee (Grande soy xtra caramel Caramel Machiatto? yes please!) and let's chat.
Have you ever been clueless at parenting? I mean completely unsure on what to do and how? Insecure of what exactly you should or shouldn't be doing? I mean it's pretty much a hit or miss and this is someone's life we're talking about!
Oh, you haven't? Yeah, me neither. :l
He's chosen me to be the mommy to this strong, loving and loud little boo-boo. Nevertheless, I wonder.
Is letting her cry it out really the best thing or should I comfort her and be close to her? Is wanting to be held and loved a lot a sign of spoiling or of a child who just loves Mommy, Daddy, and the others who often hold her? How can I get her to nap so that her little body is well-rested? When is the proper time to start disciplining on her heart and her character? Can I really train up this child in the way that she should go so that she can be an overwhelming conqueror in the trying times ahead? Really Lord?

Being a stepmom is probably one of the hardest jobs in the world. Yes, even harder than being a biological mommy. As a stepmommy you love a little one like they are your own. But, you've got to share them. Sharing your children is one of the toughest things as a mom. It is painful and wonderful all in one. Don't tell me I can't love this one like she's my own. Because I do. So then the questions start to rise...
Lord, how do I convey how much I really do love her without stepping over the God-given boundaries that exist? What is my role in training up this young one? How will she feel about me? How does she feel about me? Does she know how much I really care? Does the time we're apart wear on her confidence of my love for her? Am I doing enough? Am I doing too much?
Oh the questions that plague a Mommy's heart. My prayer to You oh God is that You will teach me, guide me and show me how to be a mommy to these ones.
Truly, I don't know how women mother without Christ.
Without Him, I'm not entirely sure I would have survived the last eight months. And, seriously kudos to you single mamas who don't have daddy's support and involvement.
It is truly by the grace of God that we mother and that we breathe.
What about you? What are some of the questions that plague your Mommy heart and how do you strengthen yourself in the Lord and in His goodness?