Well, I talked about it, and now I'm on a serious kick!
I am taking de-cluttering seriously and pursuing it full force! It is such a great source of encouragement and I love that I get to put on some worship music, and pray to my Jesus as I de-clutter the corners of my humble abode. =)
I love that He has given me dominion and reign over this home He's given to us and I truly want to glorify Him with every corner in it.
"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men..." (Col 3:23)
So, I thought I'd post embarrasing pictures of my before and my amazing outstanding exciting and encouraging after pictures!
I only started with our master closet, but truthfully this has become my favorite part of our home! =) It is peaceful and organized and just overall pretty to look at.
It is my motivation to keep on doing this and work for our entire home to look and feel this way!
I am very ashamed to admit this was my master bedroom closet before hand. Yes, it's a flippin' mess. Trust me, I know. I am ashamed. So very ashamed.
Yeppp, basketball, hats, shoes were a mess. Sighh, who lives like this?
Our master bedroom furniture has been on its last leg for about 4 years now. Well, this is one of our broken drawers that we so *ingeniously* placed in our closet. Yes, everything made its way to the top of this blessed drawer.
So, after giving away this many clothes (at least)
The end result was... Tadaaaaaa! =) I know, I'd consider it my happy place too!
My side of the closet.
Simplified, beautified and organized! Remember that
blessed drawers? Goneeeee!
Though not because we got a new bedroom furniture or anything. :l I even have a mini accessories corner. Woooop!
And such is Caleb's side...
Full of sports stuff, of course!
So, there ya have it! =) Are you motivated yet? How about you join me in organizing your life in a way that best seems fit for you? Time organization, home organization or maybe just restoring priorities in your life to their proper order. Join me on this journey as I do all the above and blog about it admist the journey!
Woo hoo! Here goes everything!
You are amazing and so funny! You should see my closet which I had (relatively) organized, but has become a jumbled mess or in other words, a dump. Ergh. Of course I have 9 people's stuff stuffed in there! ;)