"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven- A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace and a time to shun embracing. A time to search and a time to give up as lost; a time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear apart and a time to sew together..." --Ecl. 3:1, 5-7a
I've been meditating on this Scripture a lot. Thinking about it, digesting it. Really trying to understand and grasp all that He means when He says these words.
I can't say I've gotten very far. All I know is that He's all-knowing and all-powerful; He is wise and perfect. So, what He does is good and right. But from this perspective, there are certain things I don't get in regards to "seasons."
I can pretty much understand just about any natural or circumstancial season. I can see the wilderness season a mile ahead, I can sense the sweet and tender seasons with Jesus, the intense character-building season. Yeah, I can understand most of those.
But relationally speaking, I'm at a loss. I cannot fathom why God would bring people into our lives that become so very dear to us, only to then take away. I still don't get relational seasons. I'm not sure of the purpose nor the good that can come from that. I'm not saying by any means that I know better than the Almighty, but rather asking, seeking and banging down the door with questions... The main one being "why?"
I'm not sure if you could tell this of me so far, but I am incredibly relationship-driven. I love to create relationships. I love doing life together and sharing life. I thrive off it. I love slow, but I love hard! So, when friendships and relationships end it throws me for an incredible loop and my world becomes slightly off balanced for a second. It isn't that I depend on them, it is that in doing life with them, I see Jesus... and then when they're not there... I'm at a loss.
This one isn't a post that'll have a great lesson or an important message. This one's just a heart pouring that may not have nor need answers. It's just one of those life things we endure until that glorious day when we can ask the Lord Christ Himself.
And I will, oh Beloved... I definitely will.

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