Wednesday, March 30, 2011

the heart of Hannah series

I have recently (and I mean during my time with the Lord today) been enamored with Hannah from the Bible.

You know Hannah. She wept bitterly and cried before the Lord and begged Him for a son. And she promised if she got one, she'd give him back to the Lord.

She asked, only to give back.

Oh Hannah. She has truly captivated me, and I am now on a mission to find out everything I can about this outstanding, unremarkable woman.

I encourage you, wife and mama, to read 1 Samuel 1 and to walk through Hannah's journey right alongside her. Ask the tough questions, get into her heart and into her mind and be transformed by one of the most understated women in the Bible.

It has been a little while since I have encountered such rich text in Scripture. Not because of Scripture itself, of course... But rather because of my distraction and lack of study.

Nevertheless, Hannah is my rhema word.

It goes right along with my marriage journey and then a little further... So for the moment, let's park in 1 Samuel 1 and chat, shall we? I have decided to do a series-ish of blog posts on Hannah. On the amazing truths I have founds, the encouraging and thought-provoking quotes I have found in commentaries from greater minds and on the practicals of what it means to have the heart of Hannah.

Oh, this is my prayer. I want to have Hannah's heart. I want to be like Hannah.

"Jesus, grant me the heart of Hannah. Her dedication as a mother, her submission to her husband, her prayer-life, her understanding of who You are, her ability to justify herself with lack of bitterness and with love in her heart and lips. Oh Jesus, make me like Hannah!"

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