Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Menu Planning 4/23-4/29

I have *yet* to finish my grocery shopping for this week. Sighhh. It's been one of those weeks.

But. In retrospect, last week was a very successful menu-ing week.  I did manage to freeze some three bags of the Slow-Cooker Teriyaki Chicken. However, the breakfast muffins I'd originally wanted to freeze I didn't get a chance to.  They disappeared too quickly. ;)

That being said, this is going to be a light week in freezing and prepping for Haven's arrival. I'm barely recovering from some sinus/allergy thing and I have a feeling it's going to be a "rest-up" week.

Bagels & Cream Cheese (yepp. simplicity)
Oatmeal & Fruit
High-Protein Waffles (thank you Vans!)
Amish Bread w/Yogurt (I think I'll double the recipe and freeze a batch)

Smoothies & Shakes! (Aaliya has loved incorporating smoothies and shakes into her day! I will be drinking the protein-rich Body by Vi shake and Aaliya will probably have a Peanut Butter shake)
Sandwiches & Dipping-Veggies

To-Die-For Cream Cheese Enchiladas
Chicken, Tomato & Basil Spaghetti (Hubby's Fav)
Garbanzo, Tomato & Cilantro Salad
Soy-Glazed Salmon w/Brown Rice & Stir-Fry Veggies

Chicken Tacos/Gorditas with Mexican Rice
Parmesan-Crusted Fish with Lemon-Herbed Pasta
Soup -- yesterday's pathetic little meal

Apples & PB
Dates & Dried Cranberries
Veggies & Hummus

What are ya'll cooking up this week?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

why I'm picking up dirty socks off the floor... again

As I'm sitting to write this, there is a mini-pile of clothes with my hubby's name written all over them...

On.the.floor! Again.

Mind you, I'd spent all day yesterday cleaning. And licking my wounds. I am eight months pregnant, I work, care for a toddler and for our home. Sometimes, it feels like I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders-- I just feel like I do it all and while I'm doing it all, I'm doing it in the secret place of our home where no one can see and respond with an accolade.

In moments like that, my heart's tendency is to allow resentment to creep in and my focus to be lost. That's when I pick up the phone and call a friend (or my Mommy) to vent about everything I do, and how under appreciated I am and blah, blah.

But then, as I'm digging through my very old phone's directory, I feel the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit.

Noooo. I refuse this time Lord. I'm doing it all, giving it all, every second of every day and I'm tired.

Have you ever uttered those words? I'm. Tired.

Seems like an excuse to stop serving and complain.

"Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain. But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all. You too, I urge you, rejoice in the same way and share your joy with me." 
-- Phillipians 2:14-18

We live in a culture that teaches us to serve to the point with which we are being served, yet serve a God who washed the disciples feet before He was betrayed by the same man whose feet He had washed-- unto death-- and calls His believers to follow the same example.  Granted, my husband's no saint (though He is amazing) but he is also no Judas.  He is a man, like any other, fallen and in need of daily redemption by our Savior.  He has strengths, and his weaknesses (dirty clothes on the floor, anyone?), much like any other man I've ever met. 

However, even with those weaknesses, he is still an incredible man who works hard to provide for his family the best he knows how, who adores his kid and bears the Father's heart in his every interaction with them, who loves his wife even through the glory of pregnancy hormones, who is faithful even through the tough times and who loves the Lord and seeks His face.  I have so much more to be thankful for than to complain.  And my bet is, so do you. 

The Lord has designed us to be their helpmate and that includes being poured out as a drink offering on behalf of them.  It means serving, giving and laying down of our lives until there's nothing else to give... And then, when there's nothing left-- giving some more by the grace of the Father who loves to see His children poured out. 

So, if you don't mind I'm going to go pick up that man's dirty socks and basketball shorts... Again and bless him with prayers as I do.  Then, I think I'll make his favorite dinner, just to show him how much I love him. 

How will you honor and serve your husband today?

Friday, April 20, 2012

... a surrendered marriage begins with prayer

I have the insane privilege over the next thirty-five days to help lead a group of believing wives into prayer for their marriages, themselves and their husbands.

I'm leading the group into a Surrendered Marriage Challenge.


Leading means that I take the first dive.  It means that first and foremost, I'm jumping in and demonstrating the work of the Holy Spirit in my life so that through that Spirit-led lifestyle (and in this case, marriage) I can serve my team and bring hope of what He can do.

This is no small task.

I want to encourage you today-- spend some real, truthful time praying over your spouse today.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and bring Scriptures that are just what's on His heart to pray over your significant other.  Prayer is a tool the Lord uses to bring His kingdom down to earth, according to His will.  Beckon the Holy Spirit to bring His Kingdom into your home, starting at the head.

I dare you to pray for your husband today and see the way the Holy Spirit moves in his heart-- and yours.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

pregnancy days 2.0

I have to admit... I haven't written much about my pregnancy.  It's been a very unique ride, having been pregnant with number two [three, technically].  I've been a roller coaster of emotions and energy. I spent the first trimester mostly nauseated and exhausted, followed by an awesome second and third trimester.  I've experienced a lot more Braxton-Hicks and regular contractions than I did with my first, but I think that has to do because she was breech and not in position. Outside of that, I am so grateful that, though still challenging-- I haven't been in a state of complete depression and exhaustion like I did with my first.

Nevertheless, even though I really feel as though I've had an awesome pregnancy, I've faced many challenges that have off-set the rhythm and rhyme of our home. I'm not quite sure what pregnancy looks like in your home (with other children around), but I thought I'd share just how it looks in our home.

- Mommy has taken more naps with the toddler.  I normally use[d] Aaliya's nap times to catch-up on laundry, housework, blogging, etc.  Lately, I've found that taking a nap with her is what my body craves and what is beneficial for the entire family.  Rest is an integral key in pregnancy and when we listen to our bodies and its cues, resting can be a solid investment into the smooth running of the rest of our day.

- Aaliya has watched significantly more television than I ever thought was ok.  I remember the sweet, yet very naive ideals I held as a pregnant mother with our first.  I vowed no more than 30 minutes of television daily, along with a fun, educational activity every day in which Mommy created some sort of awesome bit of learning and entertaining... Then, I got pregnant, and Aaliya has spent the better half of the last eight months watching Boz, Curious George and Bible Heroes.  Yep. I'm that Mom.  I have found that in this toddler stage, they have way more energy than I can keep up with and though Mommy and Aaliya do spend great time alone together every day, I have to incorporate just a smidge more television than I every intended to. My role as a wife, mother and homemaker has to be balanced as best as possible during the time I'm pregnant, and sometimes-- the best I can maneuver was through extra TV time. 
Go ahead. Judge me.

- Meal time has been significantly simpler.  Before I found out I was pregnant with number 2, I was expanding our meal-time goodness with a lot of homemade, fun, dishes significantly more often throughout the week.  Finding out I was pregnant and there following, I wanted to avoid the pit-fall that we did while I was pregnant with number one (I cooked twice my ENTIRE pregnancy-- we lived at to-go and delivery places), I decided to simplify our menu.  And, I've got to admit, it's worked out for us very well.  Recently, I've ventured off into making more fun, "complicated" meals more often for the sake of my husband and freezing them (more on that at a later post). Though we still frequented the to-go and delivery places more often than I wanted, I've got to say-- it's quite an improvement from last time. =)

What do the pregnancy days look like in your home?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 Disciplines in 5 Weeks-- Time Management

If you're just joining us, we are partaking in Courtney's 5 Disciplines in 5 Weeks Challenge. This week our discipline is time management, last week we began our journey by taking care of our bodies. 

I am a working, stay-at-home mom. Why yes, I do both.  I work outside of the home part-time and I keep home and rear my children full-time.  I have balanced both for a little over 9 months now and have consistently realized the value and importance of time-management.  Let's add a pregnancy and all the glorious weakness that comes from that state of being and I'm really in a heap of trouble here! 

My planner has now become my best friend and I am suffering without the help of my handy-dandy Home Management Binder.  I've been meaning to re-evaluate the one I'd previously set in place (while still being a homemaker full-time) and create a system and a binder that works for our family in this season, however in my to-do list and schedule planning, I haven't yet found the time to sit down and do that. (Surprise, surprise!)

However, I've been missing a step.  There's been something terribly inconsistent about my quiet time alone with the Father. I've had it, it's been in there (though less consistently than I'd like to admit), yet I can't say that I've began each day and each morning with Him, asking for direction and His plans for my day. 

"The mistake here is that we may put onto our own plate more than God would put on our plate  – and as a result raise our stress levels to extremely high levels."

Oh. Yeahhhhh. That makes a lot of sense. 

In this crazy busy season where I know the Father is beckoning me deeper and deeper into His heart, it is of the utmost importance that I start of the day asking for His itinerary.  Life is about to get crazier.  In about a month and some change, we will welcome a newborn baby whose needs will follow no (seemingly) consistent rhythm or rhyme for who knows how long.  And even then, the house needs to be maintained and Aaliya Liberty cared for.  Even then, all of Mommy's responsibilities stand and there's no way around it. 

How can I truly enjoy and embrace that time if I don't know what the Father desires and values in my day-to-day?  It's easy to get caught up in the next organization/homemaking challenge* and comparison game and all that jazz without realizing that the discontenment and the stress we feel comes from putting way too much on our plates.  Jesus Christ is filled with wisdom, knowledge and mercy.  He will never overwhelm or burden us with to-do's at the cost of love

  • So this week, for my discipline-challenge, I will commit to waking up earlier (at around 645am) to spend some time alone with the Father before Aaliya wakes up.  I'm going to enjoy these last few precious weeks I have of this schedule before Haven comes to join us and throw us for a much-welcomed loop!  I am going to daily ask the Father for His plans, and then... I'm going to stick with them.  Sometimes, our home will take priority... Other times, I'm sure all will be put aside as I spend quality time with my growing way too quickly girl! And still sometimes, I will spend my day, afternoon or whatever, serving another Mommy or a friend in prayer or practical acts of service.  Whatever the day holds, He is best entrusted with it. And time management, after all, begins with Him.

How do you begin your time management and establish priorities and routines?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Menu Plan April 16 - April 22

Getting back in the habit of menu-planning! One of my goals, as we prepare for Haven's arrival is to have a stock of frozen meals ready to-go.  The less I have to grocery shop, the better.  So, for the next month (eeep!) my menu plans are intended to create additional meals/snacks for our family as we transition from a family of four into a family of five. 

- Banana Oat Bars (x2)-- making an extra batch to freeze!
- Hard-Boiled Eggs with Turkey Sausages 
- Corn-Muffins with Honey & Butter (x2)-- also freezing half of this batch!
- High-Protein Waffles (Van's!)
- Visalus Protein Shakes (Mommy and Daddy both drink these with our breakfasts!)

- Leftovers
- Snacks (Bento-style)
- Veggie/Protein Wraps
- Sandwiches (mostly for Aaliya-- PB&J, turkey and cheese)

- Teriyaki Chicken in the crockpot-- making 3 freezer bags-meals- with this recipe as well as dinner once this week
- Spanish Rice and Beans with Picadillo
- Asian Style Salmon with brown rice and Japanese vegetable medley
- Bean and Cheese Quesadillas with Salsa and dipping veggies
- Organic Homemade Pizza and Salad
- BBQ Salmon, Roasted Potatoes and Salad
- Leftover Night!

- Walnuts/Almonds/Cranberries
- Veggie Chips && Hummus

What're ya cooking up this week?

Monday, April 16, 2012

two challenges-- week one recap.

If you're just joining us to the 5 Disciplines in 5 Weeks series, Courtney from over at Women Living Well is encouraging women to establish five different disciplines in specific areas, over the course of five weeks. Last week, our focus was body. Here's part one, two and three

This is an update on how my body discipline area went. 

I had quite the high hopes at the beginning of this week regarding my nutrition and fitness goals. I was very ambitious, and for good reason.  It is an area of active conviction to change in my life. However, I forget that being pregnant is a state that demands my complete reliance upon the Father.  My body gets tired easily, it reacts, inadvertently, to certain foods and etc, etc.

That being said, my week wasn't a complete disaster. Like my good ol' friend Jenny says... "It's about progress, not perfection."  Let's take a look at my, ahem, progress shall we?

  1. Drink more water-- Well, Jenny hit it right on the nail this time.  I was significantly more aware to my water intake this week and made quite the effort to double the intake.  It's rather difficult though, since, through pregnancy, I feel as though I have a bladder the size of a pea.  That being said, I'm nowhere near the recommended amount for adults (much less pregnant women!), but I'm getting there. I'd say I averaged about 36oz/water any given day. Some days more... some a little less.
  2. Exercise at least three times a week--  I think when I established this one, it was more a long-term thing.  I did, however, mention that I wanted to walk around Cranes Roost (the lake near our place) several times this week. I didn't necessarily walk around Cranes Roost, however we were able to take a walk as a family around our neighborhood and smaller lake once this week, and I took a brisk walk yesterday that I think counted.  I think this has been one of the biggest challenges for me, personally.  Being in my third trimester (one more month, anyone?! yess) I am starting to get fatigued significantly quicker and swollen feet and achy hips don't help the cause.  Granted, should I have done this before my 8th month of pregnancy, I probably wouldn't feel this way now. Bah-humbug.
  3. Drink one of the Visalus Protein Shakes daily-- Mm! Piece of cake, piece of pie!  Quite literally-- since it's been dubbed by our family and a few others as the "Cake Batter Shake."  Obviously, it's not made from cake batter since it has an insane amount of nutritional value to it, but drinking this puppy everyday is awesome! Pictures and recipes coming up soon! 
  4. Wean myself off artificial sugars-- We.won't.discuss.this.
How'd your week go?  Have you established a health/fitness goal or challenge for yourself?

why I love our Titus 2 Mom's Group!

There I was... sitting on a hot pink toddler reclining chair, surrounded by a group of women who all love the Lord, love life (as in little people) and love each other. When suddenly, I realized the beautiful picture this must be.

To the world, we are a very small group of women who are overall pretty unnoticeable and pretty odd (or so we've been told, hehe).  But to the Lord, we must be a group of earth-changing Mamas who long to see His face in every facet of our lives, including the way we raise and train up our children.

We were together, in my living room (what a privilege!) celebrating life with a brand new Mama. We wanted to pray with her and shower her and her sweet gift with love and blessings.  And we did.  We came together as broken women who are looking to be made whole (completely) in the presence of our sweet, sweet Savior.  Clinging to the fact that we are better off in each others' fellowship than we are alone. We cried together, laughed together and took the brave step in becoming vulnerable.

And there's something so beautiful and holy about that.

I would encourage you today, Mama to prayerfully considering prioritizing time with other godly Mamas (both older and younger, as Titus 2 instructs us)-- whether it be over the phone, in person, or in a small group-- monthly, bi-monthly or even weekly if it's a possibility, and spend time with them.  Pray with them. Talk with them. Get real with them and trust that the Holy Spirit knew what He said when He commanded godly fellowship and friendships all throughout Scriptures.  Motherhood can feel like a lonely time, and we should really know that we are not alone.  We haven't walked through it alone, we are not alone now and we never will be.

Are you prioritizing Titus 2 time with other godly women surrounding you?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

my secret confession.

I have a secret.

I am an insanely insecure mom. 

Seriously. Every hour of every minute, of every moment of my life since becoming a mother has been weighed down by the question-- am I doing this mothering thing right?

I worried incessantly as a newborn whether I was holding my daughter too much, then I condemned myself for not having breastfed (yes, I wanted to. yes, I tried. yes, I failed), then I worried about whether she had too much, or too little.  I worry now as a toddler whether my discipline methods are proper and biblical-- whether they'll produce the harvest in her little heart I desperately desire for her.  I worry as to how much time I spend away from her; having transitioned from a stay-at-home mama to a stay-at-home AND working mama.  I worry. All the time.

I really really want to be a good mom.  I really really want to be the Proverbs 31 in every sense of the way and at the end of my life, I really really want my husband and children to rise up and call me blessed.

I really really want to stand at the end of my life before my Maker and hear the words from His lips; "well done, my good and faithful servant" when it comes to the stewardship of my children, my marriage and my home.

But in this worry-- in the constant seeking of affirmation, approval and counsel from older women (as Titus 2 instructs us) I have found that most of the counsel I have received have left me increasingly worried that I am just not doing a good job.  If I don't stay home; if I don't homeschool (which we intend to and desire to); if I don't baby-wear; if I don't breastfeed; if I don't nurse; if I don't, if I don't, if I don't... then my child is ruined forever.

I am slowly but surely learning that parenting, marriage and home-making is much like anything else in life.  It comes down to the heart.  If I choose to have children, then leave them simply because I prefer a career to the shepherding of my children't heart-- then I am indeed being a poor steward of the gift Christ has given to me in the little life I call my child.  If I depend on other's gentle touch and hands to mold my children for me while I am away tending to self-seeking and capricious motives, then indeed, I am being a poor steward.

But if your heart longs to please our God of kindness by obedience and faithful instruction of our hearts first and then our children's, then He is faithful to complete the work He has started in us as mothers, wives, homemakers and women. Once again, I learn that it is about letting go and trusting His goodness, His faithfulness not only towards us, but towards our children.

Are you an insecure mom? What are you most insecure about and how can we encourage you to Scripturally obey and lay down that worry or concern before the throne of grace?

the what? -- my health, nutrition and fitness goals

If you're just joining us, I have been joining Courtney from Women Living Well in her 5 Week 5 Disciplines Challenge as well as taking the leap to join the Visalus 90-Day Challenge.  I have previously discussed starting the challenge as well as the why behind the what. Today, we're laying down specific goals to meet this week and beyond. 

Being pregnant and establishing health, nutrition and fitness goals can actually be quite the funny haha.  Society has taught us that eating anything and everything during the nine-months that we carry life is quite acceptable and in fact, encouraged.

Even though it is a fact that pregnant [and nursing] Mammas need additional calories and additional sources of nutrition, it is not a fact that we get a "free" pass just because of our condition.  Pregnancy should be a greater motivator for establishing health, nutrition and fitness goals.  Healthy Mamas tend to produce healthier babies.  Not everything health, nutrition and fitness oriented has to do with weight loss, yano!  That being said... after praying, talking with the hubby about it, I have written out my goals and will (again!) be posting them in place[s] I know I will come across consistently.

  1. Drink more water-- I have to confess, I drink nowhere near enough water for a pregnant woman. 24oz anyone [unless you count the two cups of coffee I average a day?] I know, I know... Don't crucify me.  Hence the goal.  I would like to double my water intake consistently by the end of the week and then double from then on for the next two weeks. 
  2. Exercise at least three times a week--  I've been wanting to incorporate some sort of exercise routine into my week, but there is absolutely no way I can commit to working out with the hubbs-- homeboy does a whole lotta Insanity-- yeah, no.  So, I'd really like to do some sort of Pregnancy Yoga/Workout DVD.  I'm hoping to be able to head to the public library this week to get me and Aaliya a library card and check one out.  Until then, since our new place is so close to Cranes Roost, I'd really like to get out there for a walk around the lake at least once or twice.  Way to combine activity with quality Mama & Baby time. :)
  3. Drink one of the Visalus Protein Shakes daily-- I also, falter with protein intake in general... Even more so with this pregnancy.  However, I recognize the value of protein during and after pregnancy and want to be able to incorporate as much protein as possible.  I mean, I love beans and all but there's only so much of that I can eat in a day... Hehe. This one's a pretty easy one since the shakes taste pretty yummy and I can have one with my breakfast in the morning.  I do want to try some of the cool tasty recipes that are on the Visalus "Shake"-Book. 
  4. Wean myself off artificial and unhealthy sugars-- I have to admit, I'm a sweet fanatic. No, seriously... I don't think you understand. I understand that sugar can be addicting and has very little nutritional value to my body.  So, what I'd like to do is begin decreasing the amount of sugar I intake daily, until eventually, I am eating very little, if any, processed sugars. 
There ya go! What are some of your health, nutrition and/or fitness goals?

Monday, April 9, 2012

why behind the what-- what?

I have to admit.

This whole Challenge thing is so not my thing. I've been very un-motivated to do anything about anything when it comes to health and fitness.

Part of it is that I don't have any real goals or motivation for establishing them.  I mean, my body is so not my own at this moment and losing weight and looking good is just not a part of the upcoming mojo, if you know what I mean...

But, I am so unbelievably incorrect Scripturally.

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 
-- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul." 
--3 John 2

Yepp. Any personal opinions or preferences now go out the window.  So, what's still stopping me?  Nothing, in essence-- and yet everything.  


I'm sure you can't relate... At all. 

Here is a list that I will write out and place somewhere[s] I can see it daily.  I have quite a few reasons to join the challenge and commit to living healthy and place nutrition and fitness in a position of esteem.  Here's my list. Will you share yours?

  1. Because the Bible tells me so-- Do I really need any additional motivation besides bringing glory to my God in the body which He's given to me to steward (any one else failing at this?)? 
  2. Because I am a vessel of life-- I may not be able to set a realistic and healthy goal of weight loss, but because I have been privileged to carry life within my body, the same concept [once again] is established before me. I am not my own. I need to choose healthy for the sake of this little man I'm carrying. 
  3. Because I am an example to my children--  I have been designed to be one of the greatest influences in my children's lives.  Whether they're 2 or 20, I am, in fact, an intense influence and example to them; in every way. So, if I don't lead and teach them by example, is it fair or right that I expect them to eat the veggies I set before them or lead the healthy lifestyle I desire for them?  I would say no. Jesus went first to the cross, then required that we join him in it.  This isn't even a sacrifice [okay, maybe at first it is], it's something that will make us feel soooo much better in the long run. 
  4. Because my husband's passion and his business is based on it!-- I am my husband's helpmate. By design, creation and desire I am to support him and join him in every life adventure. Fitness and health is one of the passions Jesus has designated in his heart, so I should do everything in my ability to join him in that and support him.  I can't exactly do that by living a sedentary life and eating chocolate brownies for breakfast, lunch and dinner... 
  5. Because deep down inside, I want the benefits of it-- My head knows the benefits of healthy living. Of drinking more water, of eating healthy, of exercising. My head really knows it. I promise.  I even crave some of the benefits... like more energy, overall health (getting rid of allergies anyone?) and knowing that I'm being a good steward of this body.  So, then-- what's stopping me? Oh yeah, myself. I really do want the benefits that healthy living provides. Soo, here goes nothing. :) 
Hope you enjoyed my little rant and rave on motivation.  Will you share with me your motivation? 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

two challenges-- one body.

I just looked at my Facebook profile and have realized that three out of my five last status updates have dealt in some measure with brownies or some other unbelievably unhealthy food.

Granted, there's a baby in my tummy-- but is that really excuse to eat all j-u-n-k?

Unfortunately, I know the answer is no.  That sweet, firm voice keeps me reminding me so.  Ironically, my husband just opened up his own business, and lo-and-behold, it's a fitness and nutrition company. Ha! Yeahh, I'm so not the poster child.  Though I should be.

And then, in good ol' Holy Spirit fashion, I log on to one of my favorite blogs and Courtney is trumpeting and starting a challenge. Granted, it is not only a fitness and health challenge-- but the first week starts off by encouraging us and reminding us that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit, that He has given us this physical body as a demonstration and a beginning lesson in stewardship for us.

Eeep! I have failed.

But today, I choose to re-take the test. I choose to join the challenge this way.  I may not be able to set a [realistic] goal for weight loss-- ha! --but I can choose to establish healthy goals now so that when this sweet baby makes his arrival, health, fitness and an amazing diet is part of my lifestyle already!

Stay tuned this week as I share my motivation, my goals and my progress! :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

re-focusing on the eternal

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” 
- AW Tozer from Knowledge of the Holy

Sometimes, when you've lived simply, or have had need for so long and you're surrounded with others with unbelievable plenty... and you take your eyes off the prize, the catastrophic can happen.

You get caught up in the things and the world.

Personally, I think it's a guise of the enemy of God to distract us and turn our eyes away from worthy things to worthless things.  Things that burn, things that have zero eternal value. I also think it's a painful, yet unbelievably real reminder of how utterly deprived and worthless our mind and spirit are without the gentle and beautiful guiding of the Holy Spirit to teach us and bring us into a greater knowledge of who our God really is.

My heart has been lulled asleep by busy distractions and silly wants.  Things. Possessions. A reputation and name for myself. A clean and beautiful home. All things that are worthless in eternal value.  As mothers and wives, it is part of our calling and mandate to tend to our homes (Titus 2:3-5) but not at the expense of the eternal (Colossians 3:2-3).

Today, I'm choosing to be purposeful in building something eternal; I am asking our gracious Lord to awaken my heart to who He is and to instill within me a spirit of "wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of who He is." (Ephesians 1:17-19) While I'm tending to my little one, while I'm folding laundry, while I'm unpacking the mess left behind by our move on Saturday, even while I'm shopping for Haven's crib-set fabric. Yes. I'm choosing to be that specific, because I have to be purposeful and I choose to be.

In what way will you choose to be purposeful today?